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I have explored adding solar in the past.  Most vendors wouldn’t even come out to do a survey.  They would look at google maps and see plenty of trees in my yard.  Rob came out and surveyed the situation.  He found that we could do an effective partial solution.  He didn’t oversell panels in a vain attempt to cover my need.  He found a financially responsible solution that covers enough to be useful.  The Solarize Medfield program is attractive because we stand to benefit from group buying power.  The more who do this, the lower the cost, which makes the payback even better.  And, my desire is to find environmentally better ways to get electricity, so it’s a win both ways.

Mike W.

Medfield, MA (9/23/2016)

When we were thinking about going solar, my wife and I did a lot of due diligence on the industry, the different solar products and finally installers in our area. After meeting with numerous installers we found New England Clean Energy to be far and away the best installer for us. From our first meeting through the installation and even to this day, they have delivered on everything they promised and have been a great partner.

Stephen T.

Medfield, MA (6/9/2016)

I am happy to act a reference for NE Clean Energy. As you may know, we had an excellent working relationship with our first installation onto the roof of my home on Sanders Way, complicated by the requirement to have a new roof installed at the same time. NE Clean Energy and the roofer worked very closely and made the two installations, including the coincident installation of a hybrid/piggyback Sun Drum solar hot water heating system very seamless. In fact I was so happy with the results that I had NE Clean Energy do a second installation of solar panels 1-2 years later on my garage.


When I’ve had problems with the system, NE Clean Energy has been quick to respond. First when part of the Sun Drum system failed (I was a Beta test for them), the Clean Energy team worked collaboratively to get everything back on line in short order. When a family of squirrels decided to make the under surface of the solar panels their home, NE Clean Energy quickly responded to make certain the critters had done no damage. And when a box on an outside panels was found to be not up to code, Clean Energy repaired it in short order.


In the past three years, we have paid ONE electricity bill; for a very cold February. We currently hold >$250 credit with Eversource. The second installation was not eligible for a Massachusetts grant, but does earn Solar Renewable Energy Credits (SREC); so I typically receive a check for about $250 four times a year. We received  $20,000 Federal Tax Credits for both installations. Between the two installations, I calculate that I earn a yearly return of 10-12% on my investment. Since this is tax-free (except for the SREC’s), I am earning an actual rate of return of 16-18% on my capital investment! Admittedly I will not have a return of principle, but 8 years in, the system has paid for itself and I now enjoy pure profit. Working with NE Clean Energy has been the best investment I have ever made. 


Though the SREC program will end soon, I believe the Federal Tax Credits remain and Massachusetts still has incentive programs in place. With proper southern exposure, a solar installation, especially from NE Clean Energy, remains an outstanding investment. And solar energy has the LEAST environmental impact compared to ALL other means of energy production.

James S.

Medfield, MA (6/11/2016)

Installing solar on our Cape Cod style home on Lawrence Circle was one of the best things my wife Julie and I have done to our home. With panels that can hardly be seen on our garage roof and on our second floor dormers (see photo below), we have greatly reduced our electric bill and feel we are taking a positive step in combating Global Warming; helping our environment.  We are beginning our second solar year. We bought our system outright and have been very satisfied, especially when receiving $200-$300 quarterly SREC checks and having a zero electric bill for June, July and August and that includes running recently installed electric ductless central air conditioners. Even during the less sunny months of November, December, January and February our electric bills are greatly reduced from what we were paying. This particular summer with all the sunny days has been especially productive in producing solar power.














Richard DeSorgher

Medfield, MA (8/31/2016)

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Listen to Medfield Police Chief, Bob Meaney, describe how he uses passive and active solar to reduce his home's electricity bills

Solarize Medfield is a collaboration between:  MASS CEC, MA DOER,  Medfield Energy Committee,  New England  Clean Energy, and all our Medfield Volunteers!

Medfield Energy Committee. September 11, 2016

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